Keras(2.7.0) + TensorFlow(2.6.0) を久しぶりに触ったらimportでAlreadyExistsError: Another metric with the same name already exists.
E tensorflow/core/lib/monitoring/] Cannot register 2 metrics with the same name: /tensorflow/api/keras/optimizers ... ... tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.AlreadyExistsError: Another metric with the same name already exists.
TensorFlow2.6 なら Keras2.6 を使うこと。
pip uninstall keras pip install keras==2.6.0
Keras2.6 + TensorFlow2.7 はバージョンミスマッチのためNG。
We believe the Keras 2.7.0 release is getting installed by pip when users install Tensorflow, even though Tensorflow 2.7 hasn’t been released to pip yet. The version mismatch (Keras 2.7 + TF 2.6.1) is probably the cause of the error.
Another metric with the same name already exists in Keras 2.7.0 #1557
まさに自分のことです。(pip list したら Keras2.7.0+TensorFlow2.6.1 になっていた)